Important News:SafeLogic's CryptoComply Achieves FIPS 140-3 Validation for 28 OEs and Receives Certificate #4781! Read the blog post!
Putting a Muzzle on POODLE
October 15, 2014 •Ray Potter
It's Q4 Already?
October 6, 2014 •Ray Potter
CTIA and the Quantified Self
September 30, 2014 •Walt Paley
Vegas is Scary
August 27, 2014 •Walt Paley
Nest: Hacked or Just Jailbroken?
August 7, 2014 •Walt Paley
Happy Independence Day!
July 3, 2014 •Ray Potter
Pro Tip: Encrypt Medical Data
June 24, 2014 •Walt Paley
Tizen, Connected Cars and Buggy Whips
June 18, 2014 •Ray Potter
SafeLogic Doesn't Sell to the NSA
June 12, 2014 •Walt Paley
The Upside of the Heartbleed Bug
May 28, 2014 •Walt Paley