Important News:SafeLogic Announces General Availability for CryptoComply PQ TLS! Read the press release!
FIPS 140 Certificate Support
SafeLogic's MaintainCert Service is the Final Piece You Need to Keep Your FIPS Certification and Software in Active Status Over Time
Once you get a FIPS 140 certificate, your next challenge is keeping it active. With MaintainCert, SafeLogic does everything necessary over time to keep NIST from declaring your certificates 'historical' and hence invalid for new government procurements.
How Many Times Will You Need to Revalidate your FIPS Certification To Avoid It Going 'Historical'?

FIPS 140 validation is not a one-and-done proposition
Frequent changes in FIPS 140 requirements, security vulnerabilities and other changes can trigger the need for revalidation
Any changes to a traditional module may force revalidation. So can additional platform support or discovered vulnerabilities
If your cryptographic module is not architected with FIPS validation in mind, ANY change to your product could require re-validation
If you don’t go through the revalidation process when you need to, NIST will flag your certificate as ‘historical’. That means it is no longer active and cannot be used for any new acquisitions by government agencies.
MaintainCert is a Unique, White-Glove Service That Supports BOTH Your Software and Certifications to Ensure They Remain Active
MaintainCert takes over upon the delivery of RapidCert to ensure both your CryptoComply software and your FIPS certification remain in good standing with NIST. It does so by combining SafeLogic's FIPS 140 software support with our FIPS 140 certificate maintenance.
If anything happens that could potentially invalidate your certificate and/or cause NIST to declare it ‘historical’, SafeLogic will take all necessary actions to keep your certificate in active status over time.
FIPS 140-3 and post-quantum cryptography are two excellent examples of the kinds of transitions MaintainCert covers. SafeLogic's MaintainCert customers will get both of these critical capabilities when they become available.
While MaintainCert does include enterprise-level support for CryptoComply, don’t confuse it with a software maintenance agreement, as MaintainCert covers both your software and your certificate.
The Transition to FIPS 140-3 Illustrates the Value of MaintainCert

As a SafeLogic customer, there is no need to worry about the FIPS 140-3 transition because SafeLogic has you covered and will make it happen for you in a seamless fashion, all as part of our MaintainCert offering.
SafeLogic is actively working on getting FIPS 140-3 modules validated and certificates issued
SafeLogic will continue to keep our clients’ FIPS 140-2 certificates in active status
When FIPS 140-3 modules and certificates are available, will migrate our clients to the new modules and certificates
There is absolutely no rush to get to FIPS 140-3 because SafeLogic continues to maintain an active FIPS 140 certification for your company
Procurement officers do not care whether you have a FIPS 140-3 or 140-2 certificate as long as you have an active certificate in your company’s name.
What's Included in SafeLogic's White-Glove MaintainCert Support Service?
SafeLogic Support Portal
The portal provides all licensed builds available for download, technical documentation, and the ability to open support tickets.
RapidCert Maintenance
SafeLogic does everything necessary to ensure your FIPS 140 validation certificate is up to date and avoids the Historical List.
Integration Assistance
While CryptoComply is built for easy drop-in deployment, we are available to assist with any specific application or tricky environment.
Custom Builds
SafeLogic can incorporate your custom patches into new builds as needed, as well as ensure that builds for your specific environment are available for download with any minor updates.
FIPS 140 Expertise
Need our specialists to answer FIPS 140 questions for your team or an end user? Fire away!
Updated Builds and Bug Fixes
Patches addressing CVEs and other bugs will be applied to fresh builds and made available for download via the SafeLogic Support Portal.
Security Alert Notifications
We track any relevant CVEs and send notifications to your official points of contact if your attention is required.
Minor Updates to Product Versions
Minor updates to CryptoComply are always included.
Fast Responses from the SafeLogic Support Team
We strive to respond faster, but we guarantee response times of two business days.
Your Content Changes
Move office location, have new POCs, or change your logo? No problem. We can reflect those changes on your FIPS validation certificate and Security Policy.
Available Extras
Additional Operating Environments
Need to add another operating environment to your existing RapidCert validation? Need to reflect your proprietary environment? No problem.
Discounted Pricing for Major Updates
Major updates and new versions of CryptoComply are always discounted for current customers.
Minor Updates to Product Versions
Minor updates to CryptoComply are always included.
Dedicated Account Manager
Our team of specialists allows us to field questions as efficiently as possible. But if you prefer a single, dedicated account representative from SafeLogic, we can provide one.
Why Should You Choose SafeLogic's Unique MaintainCert White Glove Service for Your FIPS Initiative?
This unique, fixed-price offering eliminates future compliance risks, cost surprises, and unexpected engineering work that would pull resources from other important projects
After 12 years, competitors are just starting to offer FIPS rebranding that SafeLogic pioneered with RapidCert. How long will it take them to catch up with MaintainCert?
Combined with CryptoComply and RapidCert, MaintainCert delivers an unparalleled combination of software and services to expedite your entry into new markets and keep you there over time with minimal to no effort on your part